Virtual Art Exhibit (Using VR): Reimagining Black Liberation through Afrofuturism

Beyond the development of issue briefs authored by Gem Project fellows, this summer fellows leveraged the arts to reimagine alternate realities where Black communities can thrive outside of the lens of oppression.

Receiving guidance from our dedicated arts and social justice teaching artist Nadine LaFond, fellows worked to develop Black futures across education, justice, and health that were not conditioned to a world rooted in racism. For many, this was a challenge to see but was fully realized on canvas. All fellows who worked within their summer jobs as organizers with us received 60 piece art kits and easels delivered to their homes at no cost to them.


The self-guided tour of the museum will go live during the rally. Below is a sample mock of the interface used from Dataverse – Information and Technology applications using VR (virtual reality): Artsteps.

Video of the museum below. To tour the virtual reality museum museum yourself, scroll down at bottom of page.

In the virtual museum called Black Liberation, fellows displayed their work worldwide  through an exhibit called, “Reimagining Black Liberation through Afrofuturism.” This exhibit kicked off during the youth-led and organized digital rally on Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 12 P.M.-2 P.M  titled, Call to Action Youth Rally: Structural Racism Across Justice, Health, & Education.” 

Navigate the museum:


For questions:

Call Us: 973-506-9275
