Event : Citizen Schools Leadership Summit
Time: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:00 – 6:00 PM
Info: The Gem Project talks to children about their mission topics, leadership and education.
On February 03, 2011, The Gem Project arrives at First Avenue Elementary school in Newark, NJ at 4:50 PM for Citizen Schools Leadership Summit. The Gem Project was invited by the Citizen Schools team leader, Charlene Dixon. The Gem Project spoke about leadership and education– their mission topics–to 70 children that day.
Image: Children take a seat in groups of 6 at a station, rotating every few minutes at different stations to gain insight on different programs, which are benefiting their community. They each completed graphic organizers that compiled community organization's mission and resources.
Image: After the children completed their graphic organizers at each station they received a bundle of treats.
Image: Our first group of children wait to take a photo with one of the Gem Project members, Parul Punjani. Parul spoke about our Autism Quilt program and was amazed of just how much our first group of children knew about autism.
Image: Leaders are working hard as children try to complete their reference sheets before moving on to the next work station.
Image: One of the students here told us how she has been friends with one of the girls in this program since she was in kindergarten. The program here targeted students between grades 6-8.
On behalf of the Gem Project, we thank you for all of your support. We wish to continue to inform you on our progress no matter how small or large it may be. This is our journey to help change our world for the better. – The Gem Project, Inc.