The Gem Project Mini “Write” Summit: We highlighted and raised funds for 4 organizations: The Gem Project, Inc., She’s The First, FP Youth Outcry Foundation, and The Miss Newark Pageant. It was a great event that garnered the interest of many aspiring writers and social media mavens! Yes, everyone was tweeting with our event hashtag, #GEMPROJ.
Our Panelists Included:
- Ayesha K. Faines :[TV Journalist, Free-lance Writer, Blogger: Fly, Funky Diva]- (website)
- Megan Reid:[ Writer- Face2Face Africa, FITNESS magazine, and WEBiMAX]- (website)
- Corynne Corbett:[ Beauty Director of ESSENCE magazine] – (website)
- Chana Ewing:[ Social Media Manager and Founder of Michelle O’ Brunch] – (website)
- Slim Jackson: [ Executive Editor of Single Black Male and Writer of The Real Slim Jackson] – (website)
Book Signing:
- Alfred Blake “A Students’ Handbook to Breaking All The Rules”- (website)