Special Edition: Our Community is our classroom!
NOTE: Letter contains several images, please adjust your browser to view .
The Gem Project, Inc. |
Greetings Supporter,We’re so grateful to have you as a supporter. We have had the time of our lives serving our community. The past weeks, we have taught lessons at high schools andcolleges about the main principles of leadership, while mentoring our youth. With your support, we gifted an autism quilt portrait to Rutgers University SPAA and introduced our guest speaker, Dr. Genevieve Kumapley of MyGoal,Inc., during a seminar.
We also recently welcomed a new partnership with Dr. Kumapley, Co-founder and Executive Director of MyGoal,Inc., with our autism quilt program.
We have made real strides and it would not have been possible without your words of encouragement, insight, donations, and loyalty.
We are run by 100% volunteerism, including our executive director! It’s amazing what we have done thus far–knowing this.
Read below about the fundraiser Events Cherished Event Management did in support of our autism quilt program below. In our “PHOTO OF THE WEEK” section you’ll see a glimpse of our Define Real Beauty Exhibit, which made a debut at NJIT for a young teen conference called, YES.
– The Gem Project Team
Q: What is your Gem Project dream? It may be featured in the next newsletter. E-mail us! Please include a photo to project@thegemproject.org.
The Gem Project Contributors
The Gem Project Writer’s division comes with weekly enrichment articles, discussing youth issues now online!
“How can you expect anyone to be with you when you can’t even be with yourself ? “
Latishia James has an empowering story to tell. She welcomes her 4 part series of self-discovery. [Series 2 of 4 ]
“Last week, I gave you a glimpse into my battle with my self-esteem and body image issues, which grew out of a history of sexual assault and exploitation. While I spoke of ultimately growing to love myself……”
Read part 2 of 4 Series: ( HERE)
Why order pizza when you can make healthy wheat pizza at home?
Alnissa Craig of Cookingwithbesos educates our audience on making easy meals that are healthy! It’s an innovative approach to combat obesity and incorporate healthy habits for a healthy lifestyle, from the kitchen and beyond!
Read her welcome message: (HERE)
Recipe of wheat pizza: ( HERE)
Special News: Events Cherished prepares a fundraiser for our Gem Project Autism Quilt Program In Partnership with MyGOAL, Inc.
from: https://thegemproject.org
We plan on releasing a full event review on Friday with several photos. The event took place on Friday, May 11, 2012 at the Solo Event Space in New York, NY. The benefit was an autism awareness fashion show, which featured clothing by Cajena Couture and jewelry by House of Roderick.Performances included artists, UK singer Arjun Coom, and Boston-based singer, Jay-B. Several guests, magazines, and media attended. New England Patriots NFL player, Bret Lockett, is seen in one of the photos below, meeting Arjun Coom. We’re so grateful and honored to have had this opportunity.
Event Sponsors included: Amy & Brian Coconut Water, Sahara One, The South Asian Insider, Cajena Couture, House of Roderick, Radio Chili, Hum Hindustani News Weekly, Hum Desi Radio, The Serving Bowl, Zaffron Caterers, Nick Patel Photography, Rameet Singh Photography, TUR Photography, Scarlett 88-DJ, and Events Cherished Event Management.
Video Clip: Backstage with a few models behind the scenes
Gem Project teaches lessons at colleges and high schools in Newark, NJ

On behalf of the Gem Project, the founder taught three 45 minute lessons from 9:15 AM – 11: 40 AM at North Star Academy on, “Executing goals by bridging your entrepreneurial spirit.” The lesson included a discussion about the main types of leadership styles, business plans, and available seed grants for teens and young adults. The lesson was planned for North Star Academy’s annual Career Day.
The Gem Project was invited by a Rutgers Newark class, Urban College & Community Leadership, to teach on two separate days on the Gem Project’s core values and leadership.
Gem Project Autism Quilt Gifting to Rutgers SPAA, Guest Speaker:
Dr. Genevieve Kumapley, Executive Director of MyGOAL, Inc.
The Gem Project held an autism quilt gifting ceremony for the Rutgers School of Public Affairs (SPAA) and Administration on April 25, 2012. Dean Sharon Stroye accepted the quilt, on behalf of Rutgers SPAA. Engravers Bench is set to give a plaque to the school to commemorate this day. Dr. Genevieve Kumpley is co-founder and executive director of MyGOAL, Inc, and was the guest speaker for that day. MyGOAL,Inc. provides support groups, grant opportunities, and assistance to families and individuals affected by autism. We recently did a partnership with MyGOAL, Inc. to help assist, carryout, and expand our autism quilt program. It is now known as, The Gem Project Autism Quilt Program In Partnership With MyGOAL,Inc.
Mr. Orane Williams of (D.R.E.A.M, Inc.) is photographed here after our seminar with his sister.
Dr. Genevieve Kumapley, co-founder and executive director of ( MyGOAL, Inc. ) gives her presentation.
A full event review is being drafted to release this Friday in another special newsletter.
Join our groups!
Set up a profile and talk to other leaders! Let’s build.
2. Log into the groups below:
Aspiring Leaders Corner:
Are you an aspiring leader? Do you need help? Are there any issues that you are dealing with on your way to leadership? Let’s Discuss.
Gem Project Mentees:
Gem mentees will benefit from advisement and support of encouragement through this forum. Scheduled online chats and video conferences will be made occasionally. We hope to explore these methods to connect better with mentees all around the nation and world using technology. [ CLICK HERE ]
More Groups [ HERE]
Our Shop:
Show off your love, with the I love collection. Proceeds generated from each product, supports our programs.
Youth use our speech development worksheets to help create their own speeches, during our public speaking workshops!
See what they had to say!
Cheers for something new… |
Alnissa Craig of Cookingwithbesos.com, educates our youth and adult audience on making “healthy eats.” It’s an innovative approach in addressing how we can live a much healthier life by incorporating a healthier diet. It’s cooking with besos! This week she introduces a healthier way to make pizza, wheat pizza that is!
“…I wanted to show you an easy and of course healthy recipe for one of America’s favorite foods, pizza! By swapping the usual dough for whole wheat dough you are getting 4 grams of fiber per serving (that’s approximately one slice) and a serving of whole grains… “
Founder’s Notes: Celebrate with supporters!
Late last month, we had the chance to take some of our most consistent supporters out to eat! It was a wonderful chance to get to know the friends of this project in a more intimate setting.
The Gem Project Define Real Beauty Campaign
Our Define Real Beauty Campaign…
Photography by: MG OANIA
The photo above is Parul Punjani, Event Coordinator and member of the Finance & Accounting Division, of the Gem Project, Inc. She is seen here with her Gem Project Define Real Beauty portrait!
About Us:
The Gem Project is a not-for-profit organization, which develops educational enrichment activities for youth and young adults. We hone skills of leadership for our youth by assisting them in carrying out these activities with us. In result, simultaneously educating them and building their leadership and community organizing skills. (READ MORE)
Contact Us
The Gem Project, Inc.
PO BOX 32322
Newark, New Jersey 07102
You’re like family to us! We truly enjoy hearing from you! Please send your notes: project@thegemproject.org
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