The Gem Project Becomes a Power Partner with The Activate Conference!

Since inception, The Gem Project has implemented and encouraged programs that supported personal development, leadership and education. These elements are what our organization was founded on.
It is with great excitement that we were called on by our friend and supporter,Lucinda Cross, best-selling author of The Road to Redemption and Corporate Mom Drop Outs.
Cross participated in this year’s Mini Writers’ Summit. The Gem Project is on board to support her Activate Conferencea leadership driven and how to get-it-done type of conference. We feel our young adult and mature adult supporters will appreciate this.
Here are the benefits you’ll get, since we’ve become their latest power partner:

1. Ticket Giveaways! We’re giving away TWO free tickets to this years conference. Find out next             week about how to receive them.
2. $100 dollars off tickets and access to the entire conference by using our promo code: thegem
3. Access to over 12 sought-after national to international speakers and high impact leaders, after

On Friday, September 20, 2013, the Activate Conference will be held at the de Seversky Mansion. See the line-up below, and read about them. As The Gem Project plans against our fall programs and 2014, we will be sharing with you more exciting events we’re participating in.

Well wishes,

Amanda A. Ebokosia
Founder & CEO
The Gem Project, Inc.
See the speakers below, and read about them here: