The Gem Project Autism Quilt Portrait Gifting to Rutgers SPAA

April 25, 2012 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration
111 Washington St
Rutgers University, Newark, NJ 07102
The Gem Project

On behalf of the Gem Project, we welcome you to take part in our autism quilt gifting ceremony to Rutgers SPAA. We also welcome Dr. Kumapley, Executive Director of My Goal, a not-for-profit organization that provides services and grant opportunities to individuals who are affected by autism.

We will engage in discussion, celebrate the quilt giving, and march at the end of the program. Try to wear something blue!

The quilt portrait is a symbol of autism awareness and will be given to Rutgers SPAA. It is a collage of decorated puzzle pieces compiled by several different individuals and organizations.

The Autism Quilt Program: Gem Project members create workshops to teach youth and young adults about autism. All participants after the workshop, participate in an autism quilt building activity. Gem Project members take out time to assemble the decorative awareness pieces into a portrait called, the autism quilt. This quilt is then given away as a gift to a participating academic institution.

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